November 27, 2009

25 Things Challenge - Kimberley Payne

I am a member of Facebook and recently received an interesting challenge:

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

At first, I thought “no problem!” But as I got to number 16 I started to slow down the pace. I’ve decided to share my 25 things here and put the challenge out to all you.

1. I still have two baby teeth without permanent teeth following.

2. I’ve never had wisdom teeth…I don’t believe I need them, I’m wise enough (haha)

3. I don’t mind the smell of skunk.

4. I’ve traveled to the Netherlands four times.

5. I have a recurring nightmare where I’m trapped in a run-away elevator.

6. I’m reading the Bible for the 3rd time, and believe it to be all truth.

7. I’ve written 6 books: a health & fitness workbook, 3 devotionals, a novel and a children’s book.

8. I’m working on another children’s book.

9. Like my three brothers, I have the uncanny ability to find typos everywhere.

10. I’ve been in two major car accidents.

11. I’ve never filled out my own income tax (although I’ve taught accounting at the college level).

12. I’ve worked as a personal trainer, career counselor, professor of accounting, waitress, photocopy jockey, and door-to-door salesperson.

13. I’ve met Ron McLean in a bar in Calgary.

14. I’m a laughter junkie.

15. I looked forward to turning 30, but dreaded turning 40!

16. My husband introduced me to snowmobiling…and I like it!

17. I’ve gone skinny-dipping before (shhh, don’t tell anyone).

18. I’m not afraid of dying – I look forward to spending eternity in heaven.

19. I once wanted to have triplets. I now have two children and am quite relieved they weren’t twins!

20. I had a Keeshond dog named Kasey when I was a kid. He was afraid of water.

21. My favourite Bible verse is Philippians 4:6-7.

22. I’ve started my own blog on health & fitness.

23. I won 2nd and 3rd prize in grade school Science Fairs – one project was on the eyeball, the other on mould.

24. I went White Water Rafting 3 times one summer. The last time I went I got tossed from the raft (thus the reason it was the last time!)

25. I had the chicken pox, mumps and poison ivy (but not all at the same time).

Tag – you’re it…how well do you know yourself?

Kimberley Payne


  1. I don't mind the smell of skunk either. Why is that?

  2. I took up your suggestion and began a list. I didn't think I'd come up with 25 things but I'm stilling adding things to the list and it's over 40! This has been fun, and revealing about my character. I've also come up with some story ideas I'd forgotten about!
    Thanks Kimberly!

  3. Self evaluation and reflection. Hmmm...Scary for me. I really must try this sometime. Blessings. A great post Kimberly.

  4. Hey Marian,

    Maybe it's a dutch thing? :)

  5. Hi Pam,

    Wow, 40 things! You go, girl.
    I'm glad to hear that the exercise generated some story ideas too. I look forward to reading them.

  6. Hello Glynis,

    The exercise is actually a very fun one. I had a hoot coming up with the 25 things. Take some time over the Christmas holidays...I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


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