May 29, 2009

Whadda We Gonna Do Now, Lippy? by Brenda Leyland

"Now thanks be to God who ALWAYS leads us in triumph in Christ..." 2 Corinthians 2:14

If you are old enough, you may recall the 1960's Hanna-Barbera cartoon series with the larger than life Lippy the Lion and his sidekick, Hardy Har Har, the pessimistic non-laughing hyena. I loved watching that old cartoon.

Optimistic Lippy, who was never stuck for a great idea, was forever arranging some kind of new adventure for the pair of them, which caused Hardy no end of grief and distress. In his dreary, monotone voice, Hardy would always lament, "Oh me, oh my! Whadda we gonna do now, Lippy?"

"Oh no! What are we going to do now?" Have you ever said that in your lifetime? Or heard the enemy of your soul whispering in your ears, "Whatcha going to do now, eh? There's no way God can help you out of this mess."

We all know from experience that troubles will come, but when it does, we always have a choice: we can join Hardy's Pessimistic Club and wring our hands in dismay and fear. Or, we can respond, like the confident Lippy, who always knew there was a way out of their predicament, with our own overcoming confidence that with God nothing shall be impossible.

Lippy always found an answer to their dilemma, which meant that he and Hardy could come back to entertain us another day. The places and times where I have previously experienced God's faithful promises in my life always come back to remind me that 'this present darkness' is just another opportunity to believe God's word and to prove He is still faithful and His word still works. Every time!

So, what are you going to do now, Lippy?

Brenda Leyland lives in Alberta with her husband and their sweet tortoiseshell cat, Miss Kitty. When Brenda's not watching for glimpses of heaven in unexpected places, she's probably writing about them on her blog It's A Beautiful Life.


  1. Anonymous9:57 pm GMT-7

    I read it. It made me think. I reckon I'll keep the little essay.

  2. Thats a interesting story .Brenda I
    like that picture of you. Beautiful.

  3. Hi -- thanks for taking the time to leave your comment. Appreciate it!

  4. This is very apt - something I need right now. God's creative ways through situations have me wondering at times, "What are you going to do now, God?"


  5. Right on, Brenda. Thanks for this.

  6. Great reminder.....God is able....God is faithful.....for those challenges that always seem to come by.


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