December 11, 2008

God's Gift of Love

Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. Spending time with family, exchanging gifts, watching grandchildren perform in concerts and eating an abundance of goodies are great.

But Christmas is more than this. It is a time set aside to celebrate the birth of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ; a time to remember his lowly birth; a King, born in a manger.

How often I get caught up in the busyness of preparations and forget why I am celebrating this Special Day.

It’s not about fruit cake, Christmas pudding or turkey. It’s not about Christmas lights, the prettiest tree or candy canes. I don’t have to have my house “spic and span” to enjoy this season.

It is about Love. His love for us; love so great he left His home in Glory to come to earth to redeem us and to give us a glimpse of His Father’s love.

This same Love can flow through His children. This same Love can feed the hungry, clothe the naked, wipe away a tear, visit a shut-in and give an encouraging word or cheerful smile.

This same love can hold the door open for someone, be patient while standing in line or babysit for a tired mom.

I hope this Christmas and everyday I will be an example of God’s Love.


  1. Eternal life in heaven does beat a flat screen TV, any day. I agree, Jesus' gift of love is the only one that matters, and the thing he wants for His birthday is for people to love others in return.

  2. Great reminders of how to flesh out love, like 'patient while standing in line...' and on one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year too. Ouch!

  3. This should be printed on large poster board and placed above the checkouts in busy stores this Christmas season! Joy and truth in your message.


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