March 09, 2008

The Gospel Song

How about a little poetry in song? I wrote this when I first started attending church some years ago. I loved the choruses and songs we used to sing. So, I decided to write it in this form. I took a line from here and there from a song and attempted to make it into a storyline.

The Gospel Song

I want to tell you what the Lord has done
What the Lord has done for me,
It happened at Calvary,
'Twas there Jesus died for me!

And my sins were paid in full
By the blood of the Lamb,
And I will serve thee, because I love thee
And now I've got glory in my soul!

Touching Jesus is all that matters,
He is someone to care and someone to share,
He had compassion on me,
Thanks to Calvary!

Yes, it was at the cross
Where I first saw the light,
And someday I'm going up, there's no doubt,
And that will be glory for me!

When we all get to heaven
We're going to drink at the fountain,
Have you counted the cost
If your soul should be lost?

Don't say, Oh someday I'm going to
Lay down all my burdens,
Let the Lord have His way,
All that you need is a miracle!

Only believe, and reach out
And touch the Lord,
You don't have to be shackled
By a heavy burden!

Tell it to Jesus, all you have to do
Is trust and obey,
What will the answer be? Yes, Oh yes,
Out of love and compassion for me!

And now you can say,
I'm a new creation,
I have the blessed assurance
That Jesus is mine!

All because He touched me,
And I have everything I need
to make me happy!

Copyright Janice Keats


  1. Hi Janice,
    This poem is very clever with all the references to our old hymns and choruses. Cute!
    Pam M.


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