February 24, 2011


A tiny cry
Lustier now
One large finger reaches
Five tiny ones grasp
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is born.

A solid thump
Dignity hurt
Tears fall, wailing starts
Some comfort sought
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is strengthened.

Oh lonely walk
School begun
Strangers at each turn
Seek kindred souls
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is started.

Cross my heart
And hope to die
The pledge is given
Friendship forever sealed
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is cemented.

This sweet love
The first to be
With every intention
Of lasting past forever
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is expanded.

Long black robes
And sweaty palms
Fine speeches made as
Superior becomes equal
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is spanned.

Nine to five
Joyous terror struck
Until new minion is
Equal to old master
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is possible.

A coffee shop
Pumpkin pie
Double sugar, double cream
Eyes meet, hearts unite
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is completed.

Some angry words
Senseless battle
Second thoughts, wisdom prevails
One face turns to another
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is repaired.

Two, then one
Alone again
House empty, heart full
One thing forever sure
Hand reaches out for hand
A bridge is gone.

In stillness now
The bonds released
Peace fully and forever known
A nail-scarred welcome
Hand reaches out for hand.
A bridge is crossed.


  1. Lovely writing, profound thoughts.

  2. So thoughtful and beautiful! Thank you Lynda!
    Pam Mytroen

  3. Such words to ponder. A lifetime of love! The picture is gorgeous, Lynda. Anyone you know? x

  4. Glynis, the picture is of my brother and a cousin. I'm still trying to track down the circumstances. He kissed her but the arms around the neck may contain another message! LOL

  5. Bryan Norford11:24 am GMT-7

    A lifetime of experience parceled up neatly into succinct verses.
    thanks for the reminder that life is worthwhile.
    We are so blessedto be able to experience a long life of love.


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