(With references for further study)
SERVICE: servitus
Found in every habitat from mountaintop to sea level, rain forest to desert, country to city and palace to prison. Most have plain, unremarkable plumage, although there are a few showy varieties. Regarding song - some weep others sing, one is known for its strident call but most are silent, secretive fowl.
Field marks: Most prominent features are its practical eye and generous spirit.
Voice: Often silent, though some sing a song of comfort to the weary.
Where found: Widespread. Seen often in city slums, prisons, orphanages, hospitals, roadsides.
(Master Field Guide: Isaiah 50:4 Matthew 25:36,37; Luke 10:34)
Field marks: Note the efficient hands and thrifty outlook.
Voice: Warbles kindness and faithfulness. Is also known for its chirps of wisdom.
Where found: Breeds anywhere there is need of food, clothing and shelter. Found widely in kitchens and sewing rooms.
(Master Field Guide: Acts 9:36-39; Proverbs 31:10-31)
Field marks: Eye-catching, bright plumage.
Voice: A strident, trumpet-like call.
Where found: Found most commonly in public. Often sighted on streets, in churches and other places where it will be noticed.
(Master Field Guide: Matthew 6:1,2)
Field marks: Always lured by fine clothes, money, the aura of success and influence.
Voice: Only sings in the presence of the rich, famous and powerful – a series of fawning whistles.
Where found: Widespread - especially common in the marketplace, although this variety has also been sighted in church.
(Master Field Guide: James 2:1-9)
Field marks: Easily identified by its outer feathers of partial obedience, its defensive posture and ability to rationalize.
Voice: Sweet notes, followed by a sharp hissing when its ruse is uncovered. It has also been heard to cry plaintively.
Where found: Breeds in a climate of self-will and rebellion.
(Master Field Guide: 1 Samuel 15)
Field marks: Note the watchful stance and habits of whole-heartedness, reliability and perseverance.
Voice: Silent.
Where found: Observed widely in the marketplace, in churches and homes. It is known not to migrate; individuals stick with duties and commitments.
(Master Field Guide: Mark 13:33-37; Ephesians 6:7; Philippians 2:12,13)
Field marks: Often seen laden with Kingdom seed, planting, watering and harvesting.
Voice: a cry of compassion which, as the season progresses, changes to joyful song.
Where found: Always near soil.
(Master Field Guide: Psalm 126:4,5; John 4:34-37; I Corinthians 3:5-9)
Field marks: Frequently sighted with water - either dispensing it as a cold drink or using it to wash feet.
Voice: Silent
Where found: Breeds and thrives in the presence of the simplest and most basic needs.
(Master Field Guide: Matthew 10:42; John 13:3-17)
Field marks: Most often observed setting a good example, rich in love and good deeds. A common sight with this variety is the imitation it inspires in others.
Voice: Sings an encouraging call with God-honoring praise notes.
Where found: On hilltops and lampstands as well as in flocks where a willing spirit is evident.
(Master Field Guide: Matthew 6:13-16; Titus 2:7,8; Hebrews 10:24,25)
Field marks: Only one sighting ever reported. Identified by its unusual humility and obedience. Resulted in the shedding of blood and death on a cross.
Voice: An agonizing cry: “It is finished!”
Where found: Breeds in repentant hearts. Effects of this service found in all redeemed mankind to this day. Also known to presently inhabit the Highest Place.
(Master Field Guide: Matthew 20:28; Philippians 2:5-11)
Field marks: Often characterized by miracles, power over dark spirits, supernatural communication and protection.
Voice: Strong clear call, proclaiming the Gospel.
Where found: Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the earth.
(Master Field Guide: Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:46-48; Acts 1:8)
Field marks: Note the crown of unfading glory. This variety has also been observed to cast this crown before the Almighty.
Voice: A repetitive, awe-inspiring cry: “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
Where found: In heaven, before the throne of God.
(Master Field Guide: Matthew 6:4; 2 Timothy 4:6-8; 1 Peter 5:4; Revelation 14)
Copyright © Violet Nesdoly - 2003
I wrote this parody in response to a FaithWriters writing prompt some years ago. I believe it was published in their first book of collected writings by members. I have flogged it in a few more places but with no success. It's probably too weird for most. It was fun to write though.