August 29, 2018

That's Not Funny by Bob Jones

“We offer you one last chance to settle out of court.”

That was the opening threat in an email sent from a lawyer in a European country in reference to an image I used in a blog post. Not a laughing matter. But my reaction was humorous.

After my heart stopped racing I called my lawyer.

That’s when the laughter started.

He reminded me that lawyers don’t use email for legal action. Or at least, legit lawyers don’t inform via email. Or voicemail. Or texting.

That experience happened a while ago. The law hasn’t come to jail me - yet.

The event did give me pause to re-evaluate the sourcing of images in my posts. Did you know that just because a copyright notice does not appear with an image, doesn’t mean the image isn’t copyrighted?

Sara Hawkins, creator of “Blog Law,” gave me some practical insights about image use in her post – “The Best Ways To Be Sure You’re Legally UsingOnline Photos.” 

Have you discovered the Unsplash site yet? You’ll find free, beautiful images, gifted by the world’s most generous photographers. 

Two of the images in this post were found on the Unsplash site.

And that makes me smile confidently as I hit the "Publish" button.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash.

The last laugh or groan goes to this image that says it all from my musician friend, Emmanuel Fonte.

Bob Jones is a recovering perfectionist, who collects Coca-Cola memorabilia and drinks Iced Tea. His office walls are adorned with his sons’ framed football jerseys, and his library shelves, with soul food. He writes to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose.

Follow his writing at Pointes Of View.


  1. I am much more careful now with the images I use (and I have recently just discovered unsplash!) but I am sure I have used images recklessly in the past when I first started blogging... I haven't gotten an email like this yet, but i have had other threatening emails, and as you said, after the first heart pounding moment, I realized they were phishing.

  2. I love the term "phishing", Tracy. The word is a neologism created as a homophone of "fishing." This sentence in itself sounds humorous. Thank you for connecting.

  3. Thanks for these good tips on the legalities and illegalities of using online photos. When it comes time to find photos, I wish I were better with the camera and had a wide selection of my own photos. Thanks for the info on rawpixel and Unsplash. This could B major news for me.

  4. Looking forward to seeing some of your future posts using Unsplash.

  5. Thank you for putting the image credits in my photo, Bob. You should also check and for free images like Unsplash.


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