August 22, 2018

Humour, Writing and the Beautiful by Alan Anderson

Perhaps because I’m an introvert I have always used humour in my life one way or another. Humour to me, is a shining jewel that reminds me life is a gift. I like to think of funny things to share with people. My intent is to help people see the beautiful part of life even if times are tough. Indeed it is not always easy. Humour, you see, may come with a price.

Years ago I enjoyed the humour of the young comedian Freddie Prinze. I watched him on a TV show when he was teamed with an older comedian. They worked well together. Just when Freddie was becoming one of the funniest comedians on TV he committed suicide at the age of 22. In an interview with someone about Freddie Prinze his bouts with depression and drug addiction were discussed. The interviewee said that Freddie had stated sometime before his death, “I can’t hear the laughter anymore.”

There is often a dark side to humour. I read an article on a comedian talking about his craft. He mentioned that many comedians have experienced depression. Conditions like depression or perhaps difficult times in life can sharpen one’s humour.

I don’t talk often about my personal dark side, my struggles, yet they that have sharpened my humour. I find it easier to write than to talk about myself. Pretty well anything I write involves some example of the dark side of life, of grief, suffering, hardship, etc. I also use humour in my writing when appropriate. My humour never undermines the seriousness of the story.

Humour is beautiful. From a little twitter to a
rip-roaring guffaw I feel and hear joy that God has placed in our hearts. Life, of course, holds all sorts of experiences for us. I can be afraid, I can be depressed, I can weep hot tears of grief.

Humour is all the more sweet because of the dark side. It lightens my journey through life by freeing me to see the bigger picture. Life is a precious gift and because of humour it helps me to live for what I call “the beautiful.”

The beautiful may be seen in the wag of a dog’s tail, the purr of a kitten, the belly laugh of a baby. The beautiful can also be witnessed in the hug from a loved one or a wink from a stranger. When I have read a book that has gripped my attention I sense the beautiful. In my blog posts someone may comment they appreciate how I at times use humour in the message. What the reviewer has read is the presence of the beautiful.

Humour, writing and the beautiful are a great combination. They keep me motivated to allow the words in my head to form stories. In trials and tribulations I may be reminded of the beautiful even in the absence of humour or when it is hidden. Humour, however, may not be hidden for long.

You see, for humour to be hidden or absent or even shunned, life darkens. I have spent countless hours with people in their initial journey into grief. Most times humour is hidden. It is as if their grief has isolated them into a corner. The only sound a grieving person may hear for a while is their own screams, their own cries longing for their loved ones.

Oh, the sweetness of life when humour returns. Oh blessed Lord, you never left me, for I see your smile again on the faces of those who love me. I see the beautiful.



  1. Insightful and poignant as always, Alan.

    1. You are a great encourager Tracy. Thank you. :)

  2. Wow, Alan! I love the way you have combined Humour, Writing and the Beautiful to bring Understanding and the Sublime. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Sharon! We love words my friend. :) Bless you!


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