We find ourselves in a conundrum, don’t we? On one hand, we desperately seek emotional and mental peace, yet our actions often lead us in the opposite direction.
I must confess I am somewhat of a news junkie, often consuming more information—whether true or false—than is beneficial for me. Is it simply that I want to know what is happening in the world, or am I attempting to feel a sense of control because, as they say, knowledge is power? However, too much knowledge tends to make me more anxious rather than easing my mind. I wonder if this easy access to information is a partial cause of our anxious generation?
To counter the adverse effects of our stress-inducing information gathering, we try calming methods such as deep breathing and meditation and find some success. However, does this truly alleviate the internal conflict created by our need to know everything and the anxiety stemming from that pursuit? Constant exposure to negative world news and questionable information, layered with personal worries, culminates in more anxiety than ever. I’m not suggesting we remain ignorant or uncaring about all world events, but were we meant to know everything?
Constant exposure to negative world news and questionable information, layered with personal worries, culminates in more anxiety than ever.
What if, instead of our constant need for worldly information, we dedicated more time to learning from the One who truly holds control? What if we allowed God to replace our desire for control in our hearts with trust in Him? The more time we spend with Him, the more we realize He is trustworthy. He ultimately reigns above all worldly kings and rulers, ordaining and ordering all things. In John 16:33 (NIV), we read, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
If we genuinely learned to trust God and stopped pursuing control, would we discover our hearts quieted and our minds at peace? The more time we spend with the God of peace, the more peace we will possess.