August 27, 2018

HURRY! So MANY Opportunites & Time is Ticking

Fall conference is fast approaching and there are so many opportunities - but some of them are time sensitive!

- Fall Contest: Last call! Entry deadline is September 1st and there are five categories - nonfiction, poetry, adult fiction, songwriting and devotional. Check the website for specific details.

- Awards and Subsidies: You can still apply for the Barnabas Award, Janette Oke Award, or a conference subsidy. All details on website.

- Blue Pencil: Sign up to get your manuscript critiqued! Don't know what 'blue pencil' means? Check the dropdown on the conference page! 

- Photo Ops: A professional photographer will be on hand at conference and for a $50 fee you can sign up to get professional headshots done!

- Sharing opportunities: Share a short reading from your work at Thursday's 'Author Mixer'. then on Friday, come with a prepared 'elevator pitch' to share after the banquet! (Elevator pitches should be from something published in 2017/2018.)

Finally, if you have an promotional items to give away, something for the silent auction, or you have ideas for next year's conference workshops or even our lineup of WorDshops, bring them along! 

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