February 03, 2025

Aspirations on How to Guard My Heart by Lorrie Orr

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”
Proverbs 4:23

In this month’s prompt we are encouraged to think about the heart, the core of our being composed of our mind, emotion, and will. How do you keep or guard your heart? What is it saying to you these days?

Why should I guard my heart? My life today is the result of the choices in the past. My life tomorrow will be the result of the choices I make today. To guard my heart is to protect it and cherish it, for from my heart comes every thought, action, and feeling. Here are some aspirations for guarding my heart.

1. I guard my heart by recognizing that each day is a gift from the hand of my loving God. My days on earth are finite and their end unknown to all but God. When I come to consciousness in the morning, I say, in my head, “Good morning, Lord.” I recognize that he has allowed me to awaken, and I thank him.

2. I guard or protect my heart and mind from things that are not beneficial. I like to know what’s happening in the world. It helps me have empathy for others, and it provides knowledge for conversations. However, too much news, particularly now, can be overwhelming and lead to fear, anxiety, and even anger. Merely reading current headlines can make me tense up. As a result, I’ve signed out of several news feeds and am restricting my consumption. I feel better and sleep better.

3. I guard my heart by seeking God’s wisdom and surrendering to him. When he fills the core of my being, I can respond to life’s circumstances according to his design. I need his Spirit to help me live the life I want, a life of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.

4. I guard my heart by knowing myself. Balancing solitude and companionship, soaking up beauty, learning new things, writing and creative pursuits, taking care of my home and my body are important to me. I respect those needs, weaving my relationship with God in every aspect of my life. I am learning that self-care is not selfish, but necessary. The busy years of child-raising and a teaching career are behind me and now I have more time for the pursuits that gladden my heart. However, even as a mother with three young children, I took small moments of time to read and sew and do the things that filled me. There is joy in knowing how God created me to be and in protecting my needs while being open to his guidance.

Do I always guard my heart in these ways? No, but I do know that guarding my heart is the way to wisdom and how I long for that. I am so thankful that the apostle James wrote, “if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given you.” I know that I when I fail, God is there with open arms and open hands, continuously giving me his gifts.

Lorrie writes from Vancouver Island where there is much "scope for the
imagination" as Anne Shirley says. She loves spending time with
her husband, three children plus three, and her five grandchildren.


  1. Oh Lorrie, you've laid out such a clear plan of how we can each guard our hearts in these troubling days. And I, too, am so grateful for the words you share from James where he reminds us we can ask God for wisdom because he is so generous about giving it to us. Thankfully!

    Thanks for starting us off so well with this month's prompt.

  2. Thank you for starting off the month with such a clear path forward! Blessings!

  3. Love all the points you made, Lorrie, about guarding our hearts. I don't do enough of #4, "knowing myself" but I've been working on the others, especially gratitude. It really changes things.

  4. My favourite line in this post is "weaving my relationship with God in every aspect of my life." To me, inviting Him into every aspect of my life is like putting a wall of protection around my heart, guarded by sentries. :)

  5. Valerie Ronald1:55 pm GMT-7

    Thank you for this soul-feeding post, Lorrie. Your approach to guarding your heart is balanced and mature. Your words are wise and well-written. I especially nodded in agreement to this: " I guard my heart by seeking God’s wisdom and surrendering to him. When he fills the core of my being, I can respond to life’s circumstances according to his design." How comforting to know God cares for our heart!

  6. Thank you for this soul-nurturing post, Lorrie. Your words are mature, wise and well-written. I especially nodded in agreement to this: "I guard my heart by seeking God’s wisdom and surrendering to him. When he fills the core of my being, I can respond to life’s circumstances according to his design." How reassuring to rest in the knowledge that God cares for our heart!

  7. Hi Lorrie! This is going to be another month of great posts helping us all walk together hand in hand. Thank you for insights into your own grace filled heart. Your message is one to embrace and a good start to our month.

  8. What a wonderful post, Lorrie. I love how you acknowledge God from the moment you awake until the next day when you awake again. Thanks also for your honesty in acknowledging you don’t always get it right. Who does? A lovely journey in how to guard your heart. Thanks.


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