
September 13, 2024

Uninterrupted by Sharon Heagy

            Why are so many words that begin with the letter U so difficult to write or spell.  Not to mention (but I will) many of them look weird too. The ink doesn’t flow out of the pen easily when writing many ‘U’ words. Yes, I am talking about U, you letter U.

            While some great words with upbeat meanings begin with said letter - words like unity, understanding and unanimity - there are also words that begin with this letter that drag a word from a positive wonderful connotation into negative territory. Do – undo. Able – Unable. Clean – unclean. Nourished – undernourished. Acceptable – unacceptable. Appealing – unappealing. Happy – unhappy. You get the idea.

            It was hard to find a word that starts with the letter U with an uplifting spin for this month’s blog theme. At least for me. I was struggling and it was like I was sinking in the waters of writer’s block. But all that changed when I attended our weekly Bible Study and Prayer Meeting.

            Experiencing a day of the blahs, I wanted to stay at home. Tired, a bit cranky, fighting my flesh and bad attitudes, I headed out the door, knowing that when I am swimming around in this zone I need to get into the Word and pray more than usual. Not giving into, well, me.

            During the singing portion of our morning, the word uninterrupted floated into my mind. Then suddenly it was accompanied by a flood of ideas! It was like the painting Hand of God by Yongsung Kim. The one with Jesus plunging His hand through the surface of the water. It was like His hand reached down to pull me up, splashing and spluttering, soaked through, dripping everywhere, straight into His arms, where things began to have clarity.

            Uninterrupted. Life with Jesus. When we give our lives to the Lord, we enter a relationship that is uninterrupted. From that instant He is there, always. He doesn’t put us on hold while He handles another situation. He doesn’t turn His back on us when we cry out to Him.  His word says in Hebrews 13:5 that as we walk with Him, “He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you!) [Assuredly not!] (AMP)

            Never? Never. Never never ever. Period.

            Sure, there are times we may think He is not here but He is always present. We are usually the ones who drift unless there is a lesson we must learn in the waiting, which doesn’t change His presence one iota.


            Many prayers of the Jewish people practice the presence of God. Upon waking, they have a morning prayer like the following – “I give thanks unto You, Adonai, that, in mercy, You have restored my soul within me. Endless is Your compassion; great is Your faithfulness. I thank You Adonai, for the rest You have given me through the night and for the breath that renews my body and spirit. May I renew my soul with faith in You, Source of all Healing. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, Who renews daily the work of creation.” *

            Before sleeping they have a night prayer that recognizes God’s presence even as they sleep. Here is an example “Adonai, may it be Your will that I lie down in peace and rise up in peace. Let not my thoughts, my dreams, or my daydreams disturb me. Watch over my family and those I love. O King of the Universe, who neither slumbers nor sleeps, I entrust my spirit to You. Thus as I go to sleep, I put myself into Your safekeeping. Grant me a night of rest. Let the healing processes that You have placed into my body go about their work. May I awaken in the morning, refreshed and renewed to face a new tomorrow. Hear, O Israel, Adonai our God, Adonai is One! We praise You, Adonai, Whose shelter of peace is spread over us, over all Your people, over every creation, and over Jerusalem.” *

            We could do worse than to acknowledge the presence of our Lord many, many times a day and I am discovering ways to accomplish this in a manner that will be perfect for me.


            The uninterrupted presence of God is beyond fabulous news for the Christian Writer. Every day, every hour, every minute and every second we are writing, we have the ability to recognize that we are writing in the uninterrupted presence of God! This is both amazing and awesome, let it sink in deeply. It takes practice. To say, ‘speak Lord’ instead of ‘just a minute, Lord, I’m busy writing my own thoughts down.’  Perhaps we need to practice interrupting our selfish selves and embrace the enduring presence of God.


This is blowing my mind in a new way, like fresh fire burning inside, getting rid of old or stagnant notions that needed to be rekindled and brought to full flame.


            Something to think about and work towards. May God bless you this day with the fresh fire you need to melt away the dross and burn God given phrases onto paper for His glory. 


*Selected Jewish Prayers and Blessings, University of Pennsylvania 




  1. Oh my, dear Sharon, thank you for this powerful post that will encourage everyone who reads it. Love this truth you stated: "Every day, every hour, every minute and every second we are writing, we have the ability to recognize that we are writing in the uninterrupted presence of God!"

  2. Have I mentioned recently how much I love your writing?! This is another great examplke of how you manage to teach us with such deep wisdom while still making us smile! Looking forward to seeing you soon at Fall Conference.

    1. Thank you my ever supportive friend. Looking forward to seeing you as well!

  3. I feel like I need to take notes as I read this so I can return to the teaching you have included. As my thoughts turn to overwhelm and invade my dreams, I need to remember the line of the Jewish evening prayer: "Let not my thoughts, my dreams, my daydreams disturb me."
    Thank you for sharing this. It has encouraged me and I expect it will encourage others.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments, Lorilee. Glad you were encouraged!

  4. I am blown away to think of the "uninterrupted presence of God". You've uncovered a lovely thought for us today. Thank you, Sharon!

    1. Thanks, Brenda! Always glad when you share your thoughts.

  5. Never thought I would love the word “uninterrupted”, but I sure do now! And I love your passion for how the Lord is with us every second and His presence will never, ever be interrupted! ❤️

  6. Dear Sharon, ah yes, the uninterrupted presence of God. Such a comfort as our words find their way on to a page then into the hearts of readers. A priceless connection holding us all together as we sojourn through this life. Thank you for this much needed word of love.

    1. Thank you, Alan, your encouragement continues to gird my heart.

  7. Dear Sharon,
    Thinking on the uninterrupted presence of God brings so much to my life - comfort, encouragement, and power to do the things He calls me to do. Thank you for your words that I will be returning to with pen in hand to take notes.

    You are so right about U words being difficult - I'm struggling with what to write about, too.

    1. I just about went with ‘Ugh.’ Praying you will be blessed in His presence with exactly the right U word. Thanks for your wonderful words.


  8. Oh Sharon, this is so good! I am working on a sermon about Psalm 139 and the idea that God is always with us. But using the phrase "the uninterrupted presence of God" really does give it a new twist, or a perspective from a new angle. I really appreciate you sharing those Jewish prayers as well. You have given me pause to think today, and as always, you have given a smile too. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Barb! Hope you are settling into your new digs and taking time to have wonderful adventures along the way. Blessings on your day.

  9. Thanks for your fresh insight into "God with us"--the uninterrupted presence of God. I loved how you wove in Jewish prayers and writing, as per: "Every day, every hour, every minute and every second we are writing, we have the ability to recognize that we are writing in the uninterrupted presence of God!" (This one's a keeper!!


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