
August 23, 2024

While It Is Today ~ Valerie Ronald


Today—a word ripe with hope and possibilities.

I remember waking up on bright summer mornings as a child, eager to experience the adventures the new day had in store. Today stretched before me, full of exciting prospects. Who would I play with today? Are we going swimming at the lake? Will mom make hamburgers for supper? Being young, I knew instinctively how to live in the moment, so in a spirit of innocent anticipation I dove into the day without fear. 

Once I grew to adulthood however, not every morning held the promise of good things to come. I had learned through difficult experiences, that not all days are good ones. Life could change in an instant, leaving me wondering how a day that started so beautifully could end so badly. Grief, loss, pain or hardship often made facing each one a struggle. I was tempted to stay in bed rather than face the difficulties I knew the next 24 hours held.

When I became a believer in Christ, I learned that though I cannot predict what today will hold, I can face it by turning to God’s Word to help me navigate it. Despite my circumstances or the state of my emotions, the wise counsel of scripture teaches me to pause for regular consideration of my day in light of God’s ways.

Teach me to number my days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom. Satisfy me in the morning with Your unfailing love, that I may sing for joy and be glad all my days. (Psalm 90:12&14 NIV, paraphrase mine)

As today dawns, God’s book invites me to open its pages. By numbering my days illumined by His Spirit through His Word, He satisfies me in the morning and affirms His unfailing love. Even on the most difficult days, there is still a song of joy and gladness within me because I am His. He tells me so every day.

One thing God’s Word teaches us about today which is particularly applicable to writers, is that we are to make use of it to encourage or exhort one another.

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. (Heb. 3:13 NIV)

In context, this verse warns the Hebrew believers to be careful to avoid unbelief or turning away from God, who gave them life. Instead, day after day, they ought to exhort one another while it is still called Today, seizing every opportunity to build each other up in their faith. We too, need to constantly encourage and exhort one another as writers, so that none of us will be hardened by sin or be pulled away from our true calling. Not only can we encourage one another, our ministry as writers who are Christians is primarily to encourage our readers toward God.  

In 2 Corinthians, the apostle Paul emphasizes the immediacy of accepting God’s offer of salvation today.

For God says, “Your cry came to me at a favorable time, when the doors of welcome were wide open. I helped you on a day when salvation was being offered.” Right now God is ready to welcome you. Today he is ready to save you. (2 Cor. 6:2 TLB)

Today I encourage you to weave the truth of the gospel, the good news of salvation through Christ, into your writing. As writers, we are each unique, having our own style, voice, and perspective. God has called us to speak truth into the lives of our readers. What a holy privilege it is to convey God’s love in our own words to those who need to hear about Him ˗˗ today.

The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.  (Psalm 118:24) 


Valerie Ronald writes from an old roll top desk in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, with her tortoiseshell cat for a muse. A graduate of Langara College School of Journalism, she writes devotionals, fiction and inspirational prose. Her purpose in writing is to encourage others to grow in their spiritual walk.




  1. What wonderful words of encouragement for all of us today. Thank you, dear Valerie.

    I'm saying amen to these two quotes from your post:

    "Even on the most difficult days, there is still a song of joy and gladness within me because I am His. He tells me so every day."

    "Not only can we encourage one another, our ministry as writers who are Christians is primarily to encourage our readers toward God."


    1. Valerie Ronald6:55 pm GMT-7

      Thanks for your kind comment, Wendy. You are an encourager!

  2. Thanks for your wonderfully encouraging post, Valerie. How could it not be so when you have weaved God’s word, instruction and promises into this piece so eloquently. A wonderful way to start ‘today.’ Many thanks, again.

    1. Valerie Ronald7:00 pm GMT-7

      You bless me with your kind comment, Sharon. Thank you!

  3. Excellent and encouraging, as always, Valerie. this would make a great devotional.

    1. Valerie Ronald7:03 pm GMT-7

      Thanks, Tracy. I may use it in the devotional book I'm working on.

  4. Thank you, Valerie, for your encouraging and challenging words. I often think of Psalm 5:3 in the morning before I get out of bed - "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Today is a precious opportunity to grow in relationship with our Lord.

    1. Valerie Ronald7:07 pm GMT-7

      That is a wonderful verse to start the day with, Lorrie. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Thank you for your words, Valerie. This post makes me thankful for everyday, my friend.

    1. Valerie Ronald7:12 pm GMT-7

      Yes, every day is worth saying thank you to God, Alan. Thanks for commenting!

  6. Lovely thoughts, Valerie. Today I gravitate towards these lines you wrote: "Even on the most difficult days, there is still a song of joy and gladness within me because I am His." Oh yes!

    And "What a holy privilege it is to convey God’s love in our own words to those who need to hear about Him ˗˗ today."

    Thank you!


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