
August 30, 2024

Soul Food by Nina Faye Morey


In her July 19th post, “Soul on Fire,” Tracy Krauss comments on the passion for writing expressed by so many of the contributors to InScribe’s new anthology, Creativity & Chaos: Artistic Endeavours for Trying Times. You can check out her interviews with them on our InScribe YouTube Channel at

“Soul on Fire” is a perfect descriptor for the creative passion on display in this fifth anthology published by InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. Another term I would associate with this anthology is “Soul Food.” Soul food is the comfort food African Americans created in response to the oppressive and troubling times they have experienced, and unfortunately still often experience, in their lives. It is also an apt description for the nourishment of the soul our anthology contributors tell us they derive from their creative responses to the chaos and crises they’ve endured in their lives.

Here are just a few of the talented writers you will find in the pages of Creativity & Chaos: Phil Callaway, Ruth L. Snyder, Valerie Ronald, Brenda Leyland, Sandi Somers, Carol Thornton, Sally Meadows, Carol Harrison, Marnie Pohlmann, Tracy Krauss, Lorilee Guenter, and Barbara Fuller. Their enormous and diverse creative talents are on display in fiction, creative nonfiction, nonfiction, devotionals, reflections, memoir, and poetry, as well as in the creative projects described in the section on hobbies & home.

Are you struggling with overwhelming stress, pain, and chaos in your life? In Creativity & Chaos: Artistic Endeavours for Trying Times, you'll discover the many ways contributors use the creative process to cope with all that negativity and transform it into something positive. If you want to break the chain of negativity and live the abundant life Christ desires for you, InScribe’s brand-new anthology will help you:

Learn coping skills to deal with life's crises

Become empowered to transform your life

Go from surviving to thriving

Use your God-given gifts to feed your soul and spirit

Rekindle your passion for life

If you are eager to see how your fellow InScribers use their creativity to cope with life’s challenges, Creativity & Chaos is now available. InScribe members can purchase their paperback copies for the special preorder price of $15 (plus shipping and handling if applicable) until September 15th at  Copies will also be available at this price during the book launch at our 25th Anniversary Fall Conference in Calgary, September 26-28th. After the Fall Conference, paperback copies will be released at a higher price on Amazon. The eBook version will be released on September 9th and is currently available for the pre-order price of $0.99 on Amazon at

I hope you will be as entertained, inspired, and blessed by these stories, essays, and poems as I and my editorial team were while putting this anthology together. And as Barbara Fuller so eloquently wrote in her introduction to this anthology, “Our prayer is that the God who spoke into the chaos of darkness and created all things will be glorified through this creative offing.”

I want to conclude with a quote from Phil Callaway’s “Words of Gold” that appears in the Reflections Section of Creativity & Chaos: Artistic Endeavours for Trying Times and fitly illustrates this post’s “Soul Food” theme and the words of comfort and nourishment for your soul that you will find in the pages of this anthology.

“We, too, can deliberately choose to use precious words of gold to affirm and uplift others …They may be exactly what someone needs to hear, and they could be life changing.” 


Nina Faye Morey is InScribe Press Coordinator, Managing Editor of Creativity & Chaos: Artistic Endeavours for Trying Times, and Columns Editor for InScribe’s FellowScript magazine. She’s also a contributor to this anthology, as well three previous InScribe anthologies: 7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers (2015), Christmas: Stories & More (2017), and Easter: Stories & More (2021).


  1. Thank you, dear Nina, for sharing some soul food with us. I love the interview idea.

  2. Soul food indeed, Nina. I'm so delighted to be one of the contributors and am looking forward to holding the final copy in my hand. Truly, it is a wonderful collection of nourishing, satisfying, comforting food for the soul. I know many will find it blessing.

  3. Yes! Thank you for writing this post Nina. Everyone needs to be reminded about this amazing anthology! Well done. I'm excited to et my hands on the paperback copy!

  4. Thank you, Nina. Looking forward to getting a copy and immersing myself in this collection of “soul food,”

  5. Thank you, Nina, your words about the anthology. I am honoured to be one of the contributors to our book.

  6. Valerie Ronald12:57 pm GMT-7

    You've written a wonderful recommendation for the new anthology, Nina. I consider it a privilege to be a contributor amongst other gifted writers and am grateful to InScribe Press for the opportunity.

  7. Anonymous3:15 pm GMT-7

    What a wonderful concept "Soul Food", Nina Faye! I too look forward to receiving and reading it.


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