
March 08, 2024

O is for Onward! by Bob Jones


     Photo by Jon Tyson, Unsplash

I’ve been waiting fifteen months for March 2024, the Inscribe Writers month of O and O is for onward! It’s a one-word mantra for creatives. The six-letter word that I use half a dozen times a week.

Feel like quitting? Onward!

Discouraged? Onward!

Opened another rejection email? Onward!

Pages of prose that will never survive the final edit? Onward!

The Hebrews chapter twelve great cloud of witnesses employ a one-word cheer for the struggling. Onward!

Moving onward requires dedication and a habit of refusing to give up. Challenges are always a reminder of the promise of growth and improvement.

Just as one moment can bring despair, a moment can also be a new beginning. Onward!

The world was built to develop character. We can learn from the setbacks. Onward!

Instead of trying to make life perfect, make it an adventure. Onward!

Outside your comfort zone? Onward!

When we love something, emotion often drives our actions. This is the gift, and the challenge writers face every day. The content we dream of and craft from scratch is part of us and intensely personal. Our writing is our babies. Our lives. The highs are high, and the rewards can be thrilling. But the lows can break your heart. Writers must love what they do to such a degree that writing is worth sacrifice and, at times, pain. But doing anything else, we think, would be unimaginable. Onward!

When you start to think that things should be better this year, remember the valleys of the shadow of death you walked through to get you where you are. Onward!

When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Onward!

Own your moment.

Never give up.

Write your goals.

Act your way into feeling.

Reward your successes.

Determine to repeat.

Need a word for your day, month or year?


Thank you for reading. I write at REVwords where I move onward every day.


  1. Lots of energy in this post, Bob! Thanks for the motivation to continue Onward!

    1. Thank you, Lorrie. Glad you feel the energy!

  2. This is perfect, Bob. Not a thing needs editing in your "onward" post. Thank you for faithfully encouraging us.

    1. Bob Jones7:04 am GMT-7

      Thank you, Wendy. And onward with all you do for Inscribe!

  3. Onward and upward! I am flagging this for future "yearly words"! Thanks Bob!

    1. Bob Jones7:05 am GMT-7

      Yearly words are so very helpful, Tracy. Even prophetic.

  4. That's a great list of inspiration on how a person can move 'onward'. Thanks, Bob.

    1. Bob Jones7:07 am GMT-7

      Thank you. Keep moving onward living a beautiful life!

  5. Angelina Fast2:03 pm GMT-7

    Two unfinished projects need this word! Thank you!

    1. Bob Jones7:07 am GMT-7

      Love it when you can check the box of FINISHED!

  6. Thanks, Bob, for helping us embrace this great word. In spite of health challenges...Onward!

    1. Bob Jones7:08 am GMT-7

      You keep going and going and going, Alan. God bless.

  7. Wise words! I have a lot of ups and downs, but I keep going because God has given me permission to do what I love. I hope there will be some great highlights some day soon.

  8. Thanks, Bob! Love the anagram and the Psalm 23 reference. Great word!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Anagrams are good for remembering.

  9. Thanks for giving us the impetus to move with energy and determination, Bob! Onward, ho!

    1. Love that, Sandi. Thank you.

  10. Anonymous7:34 am GMT-7

    Totally agree. How do you go onward when suffering with depression?

    1. Bob Jones8:17 am GMT-7

      I hear you. Trusted loved ones who give supportive empathy. Medical care. Hope is holding on to what gives life meaning and being safely anchored by that meaning. Prayer. Faith. Posting a comment on this page is a step onward with hope.

  11. Anonymous6:32 pm GMT-7

    So good !


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