
October 09, 2023

The Joy of Writing by Bob Jones


There is a writer in you.
My goal is to empower you to write.
Then, you can write to change the world.

Dr Yuyun Peng, founder of the Joy of Writing



It’s October, the month for Canadian Thanksgiving. Try as I might, I couldn’t come up with a way to spell thanksgiving with a “J” to suit the purposes of this blog. However, the first J-word that came to mind was “joy” and that started me on a journey to being grateful for writing.



Why my mind selected the word “joy” was confusing. For the most part I don't find a lot of joy in writing. Over a good portion of my journey, I thought I had a love hate-relationship with writing. More hate than love. And then I realized that it was a love-hate relationship with the writer. I frustrate myself. There are ideas and concepts that I want to export from my mind to a page of paper and I frequently disappoint myself in the process.

This angst constantly requires self-coaching, “Bob, cut yourself some slack. Being your worst critic does not serve you well. You don’t suck at writing. Stick with it.”



Reading other writers is a joy. This month, “Island of the World” by Michael D. O’Brien, is at the forefront of my Kindle. The novel, set in pre-World War II Yugoslavia, cuts to the core of the question, “How does a person retain his or her identity in absolutely dehumanizing conditions?”


The end of November 2023 for me starts a month of travelling across Ukraine. I was invited to support Ukrainian pastors as they care for their war-torn congregations. I have a sense that their experience will be my support and I’ll gain more than I could ever give. O’Brien’s novel inspires me to write the pastors’ stories of Christian identity in horrific circumstances.



My 3-step self-coaching practice is,


Just start writing.

Only write. Edit later. Write some more. You don’t suck.

Yay! It is finished.


And for this I am grateful.


Is writing a joy for you? What makes it joyful? Do you have a love-hate relationship as a writer?



Thank you for reading. Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Oh my, dear Bob, your writing never sucks. This morning you remind me of Monet. Yesterday I teared up when I read that he suffered with self-doubt (about his artwork) even into old age. His humbleness impresses me as much as his beautiful impressionist paintings do.

    And now I admire your humbleness too. Thank you for your transparency. Yes, I also have a love-hate relationship with writing. Writing in my journal is a joy. Doing so for blogs etc. is a joy once it's done, especially when editing unveils a gem or two worth polishing.

    God has given us the gift of writing so we'll feed His sheep.

    Blessings of safety, peace, and joy as you feed the shepherds in war-torn Ukraine. What an encouragement you will be to them.

    Prayerful blessings. Happy Thanksgiving Day.

  2. Thank you for your thoughtful encouragement, Wendy. Monet's story is intriguing.

  3. What a great post, Bob! Your inner critic, while useful at times, got it wrong. You don't suck at writing! Also, I will be praying for you in November as you travel to the Ukraine.

    1. Thank you, Tracy. Interior monologue is so important to filter, isn't it? I am reminded of how important it is to feed your soul with truth from God's perspective.

  4. Ah, the inner critic, thou art a foul beast. Thanks for this post, Bob. Praying as you step out to minister in Ukraine. May God prepare the way and may His hand be upon you with every step you take.

    1. Love that, Sharon! "Foul beast." You are poetic There will be stories to share..

  5. Hi brother, Bob! I hear you about the love-hate relationship with writing. Words can be little brats at times. They keep us on our toes. I thank you for your heart for words, however, as well as your heart for God's people. I will be praying for you as you travel around Ukraine. As a member of an Eastern Orthodox church I pray both for Ukraine and Russian believers. Bob, if you have time could you email me from Ukraine? I would like to know you are okay as you care for other pastors. My email address is Blessings to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Alan. I noted to email you as I am able. Thank you for your prayers.

  6. Bob, I love your 3-step practice. Easy to remember, if not as easy to put into practice. :)

    1. There is always a price to pay on the path to J.O.Y. isn't there, Joy. I was thinking of you when I wrote that.

  7. Michelle Strutzenberger5:14 pm GMT-7

    Thank you for sharing your self-coaching practice. I love its simplicity. I will keep it in mind as I struggle with my own writing barriers. Prayers as you travel to Ukraine.

    1. Hello Michelle. I believe this is the first time we have connected. Thank you for reading and commenting. Looking forward to reading your writing.

  8. Thanks for your transparency, Bob, and for sharing how your inner critic bombards you at times. I'll also be praying for your trip to Ukraine--I sponsor a child from there and keep up with regular updates from the mission. Email me at , please

    1. I think of the Starfish on the beach when I think about your sponsored child. I can help this ONE.


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