
May 16, 2023

E is for Everyone by Lorilee Guenter


Reading a Story

I write because it is one way I work out my thoughts. I draw to relax. These are just two ways of interacting with the world around us. Everyone has ways they prefer to experience this life we have been given. We have also been given a community we can share our experiences with.

Sometimes when I think of the phrase, 'everyone has a story' I cringe. It is true we have a story, however sometimes that statement is used to suggest we should all share in the same way. Everyone has a story but everyone also has a unique voice. Our experiences, our gifts, our talents and our preferences all impact how and where we share. A poet has a different audience than an essayist. I could continue to list all the variety we have in our community as writers but I would miss some. 

As writers we have opportunity to share our stories with people near and far. Some of us have been given an audience that is geographically diverse. Other have an audience close to home. Whatever place we have to share our words, we have an obligation to follow the Holy Spirit's leading and share. When we hold back, when we mute our voice, there is a gap in the greater story of God's redemption.

This week I was reading the recorded story of Lazarus in John 12. I noticed that following his being raised from the dead, people came to Bethany not only to see Jesus but also to see if what they heard about Lazarus was true. Verse 11 stood out to me "on account of him [Lazarus] many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus." Lazarus' story made a difference. We may never see or hear the impact that our writing and our lived stories impact people. I am confident that when we are obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, they make a difference in some way. 

On account of our time with Jesus, we have something to share. Everyone who believes has a unique place in God's story. 


  1. Amen to these wise words of yours, dear Lorilee: "When we hold back, when we mute our voice, there is a gap in the greater story of God's redemption."
    Shared stories share much needed encouragement and hope. Story telling can help restore someone's serenity and lead them to the Healer.

  2. Lorilee, What a thoughtful and enjoyable post. This line popped out for me: "When we hold back, when we mute our voice, there is a gap in the greater story of God's redemption." Oh my, who wants to be the one leaving a gap in the story! Such a motivating reason to keep writing our stories. Thanks!

  3. I love how you brought out the fact that Lazarus's story actually brought people to Jesus! Yes to that great example!

  4. Hi Lorilee! Thank you for your helpful message. Thank you so much for the following statement. "We may never see or hear the impact that our writing and our lived stories impact people." A good reminder for us to write with a hope to make a difference in the lives of our readers.

  5. Thanks for this thought provoking post, Lorilee. I loved the line “Whatever place we have to share our words, we have an obligation to follow the Holy Spirit's leading and share. When we hold back, when we mute our voice, there is a gap in the greater story of God's redemption.” Love that you call the Holy Spirit’s leading an obligation, carries a more powerful message. Thanks again

  6. Thanks for this great post, Lorilee. I agree with your statements that others have quoted, and add another one, "Everyone has a story but everyone also has a unique voice." God wants our voice to be heard.

  7. "When we hold back, when we mute our voice, there is a gap in the greater story of God's redemption." How profound. Thank you for that reminder.


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