
February 02, 2023

B is for Busybody ~ by Brenda J. Wood


We hear the term busybody and instantly think of Aunt Mabel who stuck her nose into everything, turned it into a negative and spread nasty rumors about all of us. She always caused problems and we always struggled to reverse the nastiness she caused.

Well, I am talking to a different busybody today. I want you to be the busybody of your own life.

What you have done in the past year to perfect your craft?

Have you attended any conferences?

How have you raised your name in the public arena?

How many articles did you write for free this year?

Did you think about giving of your words to others?

Consider this very site. Why do we struggle to find a consistent list of writers? Don’t you understand that it is a privilege to get your name into print no matter where it is? (Oops, I take that back a little. Don’t make it to a jail police check!)

Have you joined a writing group? Do you share your words anywhere? Do you block out time in your daily schedule for writing?

 And don’t tell me about writer’s block. This is how you fix writer’s block: You sit down and you write, even if it’s your own name over and over. Believe it or not, eventually, real sentences develop on the page. 

You see, writers are people who write.

Are you investing in your good health, your own healing, your spiritual growth? 

Tell me true now, are you the busybody in your own life or are you spending all your time watching others succeed and wondering why it’s not you?

Let your new definition of busybody be this: I busy this body of mine fulfilling God’s desire for me as a writer.

Brenda J Wood, has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour and common sense.


  1. Thank you for this wonderful shot in the arm post, dear Brenda. Amen to: "You see, writers are people who write."

  2. Anonymous8:54 am GMT-7

    Love your perspective, Brenda!

  3. I love this Brenda! It made me smile!

  4. A lighthearted poke at writers who don't write! I've taken it to heart.

  5. It's all common sense. Thanks, Brenda.

  6. A new twist to what a busybody is and does. Thanks for these nuggets of wisdom, Brenda!

  7. Thanks, Brenda! We all need a poke in the ribs or a pat on the tush to get motivated now and then. Wise words. Two thumbs up!

  8. I concur with Wendy, your post is a great shot in the arm. Thanks, Brenda.


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