
May 04, 2022

A Singing Heart Composes Prose that Sings ~ Wendy L. Macdonald


The writing projects that make my heart sing are inspirational prose based on miraculous moments in my life: Those poignant instances when God spoke up close and personal during an ordinary day. 

A singing heart composes prose that sings.

The scripture verse where the psalmist asks, “What is man that You are mindful of him?” moves my heart each time I read it. For it’s when I’ve sensed God’s mindfulness of me that my heart feels the fullest of love, joy, and gratefulness.

These “memoir moments” can be written as poetry, devotionals, or inserted into a fictional character’s life within a novel. The main point is to point readers to God’s generous grace.

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? Psalm 8:4-5 (NIV)

The writing projects that make my heart sing are the ones written from a heart that’s been touched by His Presence. While narrating an incident of intimacy with Grace, a deeper glimpse of God is revealed. Pausing to ponder what’s passed between us and our Creator draws more goodness for us to glean and share. His well is bottomless. His love is without measure. We’re rewarded generously when we take the time to be still before Him.

When inspirational writers thank God for His gifts and healing, we are as pleasing to Him as the one in ten healed lepers who remembered to give thanks to Jesus for what He has done.    

Writing from a place of praise and gratitude is not only a sweet spot but also a hot spot in that words flow forth as passionately as a lover lavishing compliments on his “flawless” bride. 

God is perfect. How can a scribe not enjoy penning words that point to the Author of all that’s good and glorious in this amazing universe? 

Be still my heart, one day you will see Him and know Him as you are known. 

Now that’s something to sing and write about. Praise the Lord!

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and podcaster who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.” Her main website is where she enjoys interacting with readers.


  1. Yes! God is so infinitely great, how can our hearts NOT sing? Blessings Wendy.

    1. Amen, dear Tracy: How can we not sing? xo

  2. Your delight in the Lord shines through your words today!

    1. Thank you, dear Lorrie. It's raining here but it's sunny on the inside. :)

  3. Beautiful! As Lorrie said, your delight in Him shines through your words. I'd be underlining this line: "The writing projects that make my heart sing are the ones written from a heart that’s been touched by His Presence." So, so true. Thank you, Wendy. xo

    1. Thank you, dear Brenda. xo More and more I'm treasuring the slowed-down-moments when I hear Him--sense Him--much better. Blessings.

    2. Yes! That was the line that resonated with me, too, Brenda (and Wendy!). Very true words.

    3. Thank you & blessings, dear Susan. :)

  4. How wonderful, Wendy. I love the line -“Those poignant instances when God spoke up close and personal during an ordinary day.” Oh, that we would listen for that still small voice. I wonder about the writer of the hymn, ‘How Can I Keep From Singing’ and wonder if they too were in that ‘sweet spot’. What a lovely post. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon, you've planted a favorite happy song in my heart and mind today. :) I'm grateful we have an up close and personal God.

  5. Thanks, Wendy for this beautiful post. You have so many nuggets of gold written in it. I especially related your statement, as the Lord does this for me, too: "The writing projects that make my heart sing are the ones written from a heart that’s been touched by His Presence."

    1. Thank you, dear Sandi, for your encouragement, and for all the gilded in grace writing prompts you've given us over the years. xo

  6. I totally agree. We have so much to sing about. We have a heavenly Father who will never forsake us. We have our Lord and Master who underwent brutality so we wouldn't suffer forever in hell. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. We're adopted children of the King of Kings. Oru names are in the Lamb's book of Life and they're correctly spelled too. We have an eternal hope among hopeless folks. We have 66 love letters from the lover of our souls. We have the testimonies of faithful saints down through the ages. What more do we need but Christ's victorious and glorious return.

    1. Amen and thank you for your praise-to-God inspiring comment, Bruce. We're blessed beyond measure with His everlasting treasures. Yes, all that remains to wait for is His wonderful return.

  7. Beautiful! amen. hallelujah!

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Janet. By the way, your poem on your blog today is beautiful.


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