
August 08, 2018

Make a Joyful Noise by Karma Pratt

In our house, we are in a season of living, learning and growing. Everyone is stretching beyond themselves and everyday there are new opportunities to learn something new. This is the incredible blessing of school aged children. They are students and teachers all rolled into one. Of course, not every moment is sunshine and roses. We have many instances of frustration. Angry tears can be just as common as joyful laughter. Overall, though, we are learning to live in the light of thanksgiving. 

My family's sense of fun has informed my writing. Learning to laugh in the moment helps me remember to be present in the everyday. Focusing on one thing at a time helps me set boundaries so that I don't fall down the rabbit hole of multitasking mania. Embracing joy has allowed me to step back from busyness and choose purposeful interactions and connection instead. 

Life is busy, there's no doubt, but I read recently that, “A day is a pocket of possibility and it’s always there, waiting for your willing hand.” - Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way: A Daring Path into the Abundant Life

I am learning how to lean into the joy, how to exchange it for piled up deadlines and pressure that won't stop squeezing. I am learning that the pressures I feel are self-imposed, and the joy I experience comes from learning to let go of the pressure. I am learning that saying, "Yes!" to fun in the sun and backyard playtime allows me to say, "Yes!" to God emphatically and passionately.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 ESV
The love and laughter in our home is the good medicine that allows me to dig into my writing in new ways. Places that I was leery to explore before, are now opening up as new light shines into dark corners. I will likely never be a fiction writer. (would that it were!) Instead, my path is moving in the direction of non-fiction, memoir and poetry. All the joyful interactions in this current season remind me of how far I've come, and what I have to share through words. 

The Apostle Paul ended his letter to the Philippians with this prayer: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit" (Philippians 4:23). Joy, love and laughter are entry points into God's grace. What a gift!


Karma writes from the golden house in Northeastern BC. You can connect with her online at


  1. Very good reminders... and love the pictures of those sweet kids!!

    1. Thanks Tracy. They are from our holidays this year. There was so much fun to be had!

  2. Your joyful blog filled me with encouragement, joy and good memories of when our children were that age. Thank you, Dear Karma. May you and your family be blessed as you learn and live and grow in your faith and in your lives together. Amen.

    1. Thank you Sharon. Your words are always such am encouragement and blessing!

  3. You're making great choices, Karma :)
    Building connections and memories with your kids and your husband are the best things you can do. Keep seeking God's best in your life!

    1. Thank you Ruth ❤ I am learning to step into His best for me and give my best too! It's a lifelong process. Blessings to you


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