
July 26, 2018

Books on My Shelf - Marnie Pohlmann

I glance over to the bookshelf in my writing room, to the area reserved for my own published books. A frog bookend leans against them, holding them in a neat line against the edge of the case. I admire the spines of their jackets, smiling with both pride and awe.

The first book on the shelf is a devotional. The spine shows balloons stretching out from the front cover where a clown wearing big red shoes and a flower squirting waterdrops is holding the balloons high. A circus tent is in the background of the cover, and the title is in a circus-poster font.

Next to the devotional is another book. There is a whitish cross on the spine of the satiny black cover. If I run my hand over the cross I know it will feel a little raised and rough. The cross is phosphorescent, gathering light throughout the day so it can faintly glow in the evening dark. At least, that is what it is supposed to do. Mass production does not lend itself well to such a special effect, but the idea was there. When readers open the book they soon understand the glowing cross is significant to my life story contained within the pages.

A third book has recently been placed beside these first two publications. My eyes don't focus on the title that stretches across the spine. Instead, I pull the novel from the shelf to look again at the cover. Another cross, but this one sitting in a pool of blood. Marijuana leaves grow up behind the cross. I flip the book over to see my photo on the back with the author’s blurb. Above this, endorsements praise the writing and describe the mystery enclosed within the pages.

If you have not guessed by now, these books only appear on the shelf in my mind and dreams. One day, I trust they will appear in tangible reality on my shelf. Right now, though, they are scattered here and there in various notebooks and computer files, waiting to be gathered and sorted and rewritten into something resembling manuscripts that will then be filled out in the thin parts, coloured in the obtuse parts, and pruned in the parts that don't belong.

Slowly, very slowly, these books will be written - are being written. Occasionally the content changes, but the writing does not stop. And while I walk slower than many, I am learning with each step. These are not just dreams, they are goals because writing for me is a calling by God.

My books are not on my shelf but they are further along than they were last year and the year before that. So, I thank you, my writer friends of Inscribe Fellowship, for being such a “great cloud of witnesses” who have gone before me, walk beside me, or are coming up the trail I have been sauntering along. Each of you inspires and encourages me.

Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running (or writing)— and never quit!   (Heb 12:1 MSG)


  1. Your books sound wonderful already Marnie. I too have the cover all planned for mine. I too have been going slow but still believe it will happen. It's good to know that we are all on this path together.

    1. Yes, Gloria, although writing seems solitary the truth is we are on the path of following God's leading with a host of others. I'm glad you are walking along with me!

  2. Ah yes... someday those books will be a reality. I know it!

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Tracy. You are leading the way!

  3. The day is finally here. Instead of driving up to my mailbox I decide to jog. The warm air of summer feels good on my face. It is a windy day too so my long hair gets a bit tangled. At this point asthma doesn't bother me so I jog with a smile on my face. I rush up to the mailbox and open it with my trusty mailbox key. I open the box and there it is all wrapped in paper waiting to get uncovered. I open the wrapping with haste and low and behold Marnie's book has arrived safe and sound. I'm a bit giddy at this point. This is her second published book. I see the "whitish cross on the spine of the satiny black cover"just like Marnie described. Once I arrive home puffing a bit because I jogged home, I yell to Terry, "Hey Terry, Marnie's book is here!" I don't notice that she is standing right behind me. I jump because her voice startles me. She sweetly replies, well, what are you waiting for let's do it. Right away we do our happy dance out of happiness for Marnie and that she signed our copy. Now we argue a little about who is going to read it first. I sit on my chair in our living room and settle in to watch a program on tv while Terry begins to "understand the glowing cross" and its significance to Marnie's life story. :)

    1. Alan, I have emotion trickling down my cheeks that you and Terry would be so excited to see my story. I will try to not disappoint! Thank you, friends, for your encouragement!

  4. Thanks, Marnie, for taking this month's theme to a whole new level. Not catching on right away, I wondered, How would I not have noticed that Marnie had books published? Then I got it. What a bright idea to visualize your goals fulfilled!

    I am happy to hear your books are further along than last year. I love Eugene Peterson's description of "the race" in The Message. Way to go, Marnie!

    1. Haha, Sharon. I'm glad you kept reading.


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