
June 14, 2018

My Scripture Verses for Writers - Ruth L. Snyder

This month we have been asked to share some verses that keep us fuelled for our writing journey. Most of these memes were created using the Wordswag app. A couple of the memes I created by hand.

Although writing is a calling, and often a gift, it takes work to become a skillful writer. I want to continue to fan my gift of writing into a flame that provides the warmth of encouragement, the light of truth, and even the heat of correction. I need to be sensitive to God's leading to know what He wants me to share with my readers.

Last year during our InScribe Fall Conference, Connie Inglis urged us to not only be aware of the spiritual element of writing, but to also start our writing times with prayer. This is an example of what I often pray.

Not all writing days go well. I will choose to give thanks when the words just don't flow. I will choose to give thanks when the needs of my family crowd out my writing time. I will choose to give thanks when my computer crashes.

As I write, I need to ask God for wisdom in discerning the truth. Sharing God's truth in a way that draws the reader in and makes them hungry for more is a challenge. 

I'm grateful that I don't need to live or write in my own strength. God wants me to rely on Him and is ready to help. Often my biggest struggle is giving up control and resting in my Heavenly Father.

It is natural to get discouraged when I don't see success in my writing journey. We all benefit when we help others by giving feedback, writing reviews, and celebrating book launches. When I focus on helping others, I often find that God blesses my writing as well.

Every day I need to make the choice to abide in Jesus. I need to talk with Him throughout the day. When His will becomes my will, I will want what He wants and it will be done.

How do these verses speak to you? Feel free to share in the comments.

Ruth L. Snyder squeezes writing in between caring for her husband and children, and teaching piano lessons. She is also enjoying sharing adventures with her first grandson.


  1. Wow! You're so good at making memes! It's a skill I haven't mastered... yet.

  2. Thanks, Tracy. WordSwag is one of the easiest ways to make memes I have seen. It does most of the work for you, but also offers flexibility once you master the basics.

  3. I'm enjoying the verses everyone is offering. It shows insight into everyone's personalities. Very cool. 😎.

    1. It is interesting to read the verses and learn more about each other 😀👍

  4. Hi Ruth! Thank you for your encouraging post. The Scripture verses are ones for me to be mindful of. I am thankful for this line, "Although writing is a calling, and often a gift, it takes work to become a skillful writer." This one sentence speaks to me of how wonderful it is to be a writer yet it is also a worthy of development. In addition your post had me think of InScribe and how much members have helped me in my writing. Blessings to you and your family Ruth.

    1. Alan,
      I'm glad my post encouraged you. Yes, InScribe members are great for encouraging and helping each other with writing, prayer, and growing spiritually. Thanks for being a blessing! I hope we are able to meet in person sometime 😀

  5. I enjoyed your memes, Ruth, especially your hand-drawn ones! Writing is indeed a challenge. It takes a lot of skill and so often we fail. I can totally relate to your ambition "to continue to fan my gift of writing into a flame."

  6. Thanks, Nina
    Some day I hope to take some art lessons as I find it relaxing to draw. Let’s continue fanning our gifts into flame for His glory!

  7. You have shared with me your thoughts on working with WordSwag, but I unfortunately haven't gotten to that yet. I continue to admire your memes, Ruth, and your beautiful photography. I wonder if God sets nature in the Glendon area just so. Then he whispers, Ruth, my dear, grab your camera and come for a visit.

  8. Sharon,
    I’m glad you enjoy the pictures. I know that my heart and soul are often refreshed and inspired by the beauty of creation. I’m thankful for the natural beauty that surrounds me, and for our Heavenly Father. All glory to HIM!


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