
November 06, 2017

Voices in My Head? Glynis Belec

"You are a failure as a Christian. Your writing will flop because you sometimes forget to pray. You call yourself a Christian writer and you forget to pray over your work before you begin? How happy do you think that makes God?"


Those are the words, too often, that echo in my ears.

"Look at all the lovely Christian writers who you know and who dedicate their work to God well before they even begin. And then look at you."

The voices in my head continue their tirade. Distraction after distraction. They whisper in my ear and tell me that because I sometimes forget to ask for wisdom and direction first, then I am unworthy of assuming the title of successful writer. Guilt.

The voices are right. As a believer, whatever I write [do] I should be doing it unto God and not unto editors. How can I expect to be even remotely successful if I barrel on in my writing without a thought of God? Too often the task to complete gets in the way. Deadlines loom. Schedules demand. Editors call.

I hear about the dedication of other writers then I flip the switch on those wretched voices in my head again.

They play havoc, attempting to convince me that I don't have what it takes.

Then God steps in. He flips the off switch. And assures me.

The voices are wrong. Not one thing happens in my life without Him knowing about the before, the during and the after. It's not like I don't think of God. And He knows it. It's not like I don't dedicate my work to God. I try. It's not like I don't write to please God and give Him all the Glory. I do. I just do it out of order.

And thanks be to God, He forgives me for that and for being a fumbling, bumbling fool when it comes to not sticking everyday to an orderly routine of praying, thinking, writing, trusting.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. Deuteronomy 28:12a

One day I will have order and quiet before my day begins. One day my own perfect plan to please God will include dedication and kneeling. I know without a doubt I need God before I write anything that would proffer forth any iota of wisdom or sense. But for now I keep my heart stayed on God throughout my day and ask for Him to remove the chaff and prepare my words. I've realized some of the blessings of seasons. I've experienced the fallow, too. But I will trust Him no matter. 

Sometimes I let the voice of the enemy become louder than the voice of the Lord. 

I'm still working on that. 

I'm still seeking the right way to do [write] whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think [and write] about such things. Phillippians 4:8 

I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell [write] of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1

Glynis lives, loves, laughs and does an awful lot of reading, writing, publishing and praying in her home office. 
        How thrilled Glynis is to be part of CHRISTMAS WITH HOT APPLE CIDER - an anthology filled with a wonderful assortment of Christmas short stories, memories, drama and poetry. 


  1. Dear Glynis-this post resonated with me :) ... I also have many voices of doubt and reprimand that are very loud. And I often quote my daughter who frequently reminds me that God remembers that we are made of mud. I appreciate your paragraph with the hope of one day order and quiet will start the day, but for now your heart is stayed on God-what a great place for it to be anchored. Thanks for this very encouraging & realistic post!!

    1. Your daughter is very wise. And a good reminder that He is the Potter and we are, yes, the clay! And yes - we always hope! thanks, Jocelyn ...

  2. Great post, Glynis. And you accurately identify the author of the voices as the Enemy. God never speaks such words over us. In Christ, there is no condemnation.

    1. Amen to the voices! It' a battle some days, but the armour is always available! Thanks, Susan!

  3. Glynis, word for word you have written EXACTLY what goes on with me. Thank you for the message of hope and truth that in Christ there is no condemnation.

    1. Howdy Sista'! Grace, Grace - God's Grace! (Are you singing yet?) Thanks, Joylene for letting me know I don't journey alone. :)

  4. Isn't it just like the enemy to use something good - our writing for the Lord - against us! I'm sure this post resonates with MANY MANY writers out there. The accuser wants to remind us on a daily basis how inadequate we are. but thanks be to God that He see past that and knows our hearts.

    1. Amen, Tracy! I think your point in your comment matches well to one of the statements I made above - about not letting the voice of the enemy be louder than the voice of the Lord! Thanks for your comment! Hope you are doing okay these days! :)

  5. Wow! My thoughts exactly. Whenever I forget to pray before I write I'm so thankful that God sees more than just the words I have written - he sees my heart!

    1. So true! I'm just preparing a presentation on Noah and I was feeling so inadequate again, thinking I wouldn't be on the Ark. I would surely drown - but then I remember how we were all given a 2nd chance in the 2nd Creation of sorts - and then thanks be to God, there is Christ who bore it all! And you are SO right - He sees our heart, Vickie!

  6. I read your post a few hours ago, Glynis, but I just got back to my computer to read it again, and I was thinking, "There she goes, saying exactly what I'd like to say!" Not that I would have come up with it, but that is one of the things that goes on in my head and apparently in the heads of other Christian writers. I appreciate the Bible verses you present to support your thinking. My post is on the 10th, so please pray with me that I can add something of value to this good discussion you've got going in your blog and in the comments.

    1. And sometimes there is just plain comfort in numbers when God gives us a message ...
      I'll pray for you for tomorrow - your turn to inspire me, sister in Christ! (I'm discovering that's how God works!)

  7. I like how you said that sometimes you do pray before you write, but you don't always get it in the right order. That's me too! That so resonated with me, and encouraged me that I am not alone. And I like how you quoted Proverbs 3:5,6 - we are trusting the Lord all the day long and He is guiding our words. Yes, these are good thoughts - thank you for encouraging me and sharing them Glynis!!
    Pam M.


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