
December 15, 2016

The Very Best Christmas Gift - Tracy Krauss

This month we're talking about gifts. (Of course we are!)

I have to admit, I am not the best 'gift-giver' on the planet. For anyone familiar with Gary Chapman's The Five Love Languages, you'll know that 'Gift Giving' is listed among the five along with 'Acts of Service', "Physical Touch and Closeness', 'Words of Encouragement', and 'Quality Time'. Each time I've taken the test, 'Gift Giving' has ranked last. (FYI, 'Acts of Service' is ranked highest for me. I'm a 'doer' and appreciate it when people 'do' stuff for me...) This probably explains why getting stuff from people isn't really that important to me. My favourite gifts are things like going out for dinner (so I don't have to cook) or a coupon for something like a day at the spa, or better yet - a maid service!

Some people, on the other hand, are just natural born gift givers. My son is one of those people. He loves to search online for the perfect gift, and not just at Christmas or birthdays. He is always buying someone something cool or meaningful 'just because'. It took my husband and I quite a few years to figure this out, since neither of us are 'gifty'. However, now that we know, we've had to set aside our laissez faire attitudes about gifts and try to find something meaningful for him...

... because showing someone you love them in their own language is a gift in itself.

It's something to think about this holiday season. Sometimes the gift isn't really the important part. It's the thought behind the gift. I pray that you and yours will keep this in mind as you celebrate this year, remembering that Jesus is God's ultimate gift - all year round.

Jerseys he bought for us on our 32 anniversary

Tracy Krauss writes from her home in Northern BC where she lives with her husband. Her son also resides in the basement on occasion... She may need therapy since she's gone from being an empty-nester to a non-empty nester too many times to keep track of. Check out her website at:  - fiction on the edge without crossing the line - 


  1. Boy, is this ever true Tracy. The expectation is often that if you really cared, you'd take the time to find "just the right gift". I don't speak the language of gift giving, so it makes it terribly hard to figure out what to get for people. I'm pretty good at being supportive of people, but how do you wrap that and put it under the tree?

    1. exactly! And for years i did his laundry etc. which for me is a big gift!

  2. Thanks for reminding me of this book, which I think I need to reread, as I sometimes miss the mark too.

  3. I love the couple shirt.It's not always in the gift, it is always in the heart. Christmas is fast approaching and I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

    1. Yes, and we are both huge football fans (Sask Riders) so he knew exactly what we would love.

  4. I think The Five Love Languages is an excellent book and one I wish I had read sooner rather than later. It gives such insight into how to exactly touch and reach someone who is different than you.

  5. ha ha, I enjoyed this Tracy. I appreciate that book too!! Love the Jerseys!
    Pam M.

  6. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get excited about trying to find the "perfect" gifts. Over the years we discovered that my son is happy with just one or two perfect-for-him quality gifts, while my daughter is happy with many, many smaller gifts to have fun unwrapping (and with bubble wrap is even more fun!)


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