
February 27, 2012

Still - Denise M. Ford

A number of years ago I wrote a special tribute for my father’s confirmation class as they celebrated their 50 year anniversary in the church where they had been confirmed. This week I uncovered it as I was organizing my writing into categories. Following a year in which I have transitioned from full-time work in a classroom to focusing on how to carve out a life as a writer, I found inspiration in my own words, especially as they remind me that life may change, but our relationship with our Lord remains ever present… Still.

STILL here with me?

Ah yes, the years have rolled on down, our journey meandering, our adventure evolving with you here.

Here with me. By my side ...STILL.

STILL seeking answers from me?

You haven't always received what you expected, but in every response we have traveled well together.
You and I, side by side...STILL.
STILL needing forgiveness from me?
Our conversations have covered much ground, my friend. I am familiar with you, accepting you.
Lifting you up to continue on... STILL.
STILL hoping for love from me?
We made a promise many years ago, you and I. My arms will never close to you.
Keep reaching. My arms are open...STILL.
STILL looking for guidance from me?
Let's never stop on our journey together. Let us be bold. With courage let us meet the paths before us with determination, with conviction.
Carry on with my assurance...STILL.
STILL here with me?
Ah yes, the years will keep rolling on down. Some like a roller coaster, some like a peaceful walk in the woods.
But my friend, you and I, we will always land together.
Side by side...STILL.

To read Denise's personal blog and writing website go to:  


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