
January 26, 2012

A Plan in Place - Karen Toews

Five months ago I launched my blog.

That was following months of picking my way along a steep technical challenge and building up the courage to commit to a long term journey. Surprise, surprise - that was one of my best writing decisions ever. I have:
  • a self-directed weekly deadline
  • a readership
  • readers' comments to encourage me to develop content pertinent to them and to my blog's theme.
  • a writing process that's giving me clarity and confidence for the online, and person-to-person, aspect of building my business.
Can you sense my satisfaction-thanksgiving?

I thank God for:
  • helping me make a difference
  • the anticipation of things to come
My heart's desire is to expand the whole-life, nutrition message (online and in person) to Christian women: to en-courage them in being the complete, whole-hearted person God has meant them to be, that:
  • we have influence over healthy food and exercise choices for our families and circles beyond
  • it's okay (crucial) to take time for your soul-care
  • the rewards of having courage to "swim upstream" can bring new life and energy - for you and others
How can this next step take shape?
  • continue writing blog posts - for the readership that's already there and growing
  • seek out/connect with other Christian health and fitness blog writers
  • contact Christian "markets" e.g. local womens' church groups
And in the day-to-day practicality - how am I going to make enough computer-working time available?
  • organization=less paperwork on my desk: more sort and file, less shuffle
  • less emails out=less emails received (that's what I've heard!)
  • saying "no" to requests and options, so I can say "yes" to what I want to do, that contributes to reaching my goals (I'm not referring to "me and my selfish agenda" - you get my drift...)
Oh yes, there are days when:
  • my brain can't wrap around one more technical thing
  • my creativity meter has bottomed out
  • this work I love to do has stacked up to the tipping point
Where does my help come from?
It feels great to have a plan.

It's wonderful to be well - body, soul and spirit - to make it work.


  1. Way to go, Karen! Do you know Kimberley Payne? She's written a Bible study called Fit for Faith. :)

  2. I know her through email but haven't met online. She's a good example - thanks, Marcia, for reminding me about her. Need to have a chat soon!

  3. You're a great example of goal setting for all of us!

  4. Karen, you have no idea how much you've energized me! I'm with you sister, and if you ever want to share some of your secrets for getting a following, do tell. I'm kind of slugging along in that department. ;o) Congratulations on your success! Ramona


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