
January 15, 2012

Living Life On Purpose - Tracy Krauss

'One word' seems to be all the rage this year, as people all over the web choose a word that exemplifies their goals for the year. Not to be left behind, I chose the word PURPOSE as my signature word for 2012. Here are some reasons why:

1. I'm tired of life's time wasters. You know what I'm talking about: TV, FB, sleeping in, too much time surfing the web ... unless these activities serve a purpose, I'm trying to avoid them.

2. I spend a lot of time marketing, promoting and trying to build my author's platform. I want to take stock of my activities and see what activities are actually yielding results. (Book sales, increased followers etc.) If it isn't serving a purpose, it's time to go!

3. I've asked myself about the purpose of my writing. Who is my audience? Am I trying to entertain or minister to people? Why do I write in the first place?  I believe there is a purpose for this obsession and I want to be more purposeful in pursuing it. :)

4. What is the greater purpose for my life? I'm re-reading Rick Warren's classic THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE and trying to refocus on the bigger picture. We all have a God given purpose, which is first and foremost to glorify Him.

5. Perhaps the fact that I will be reaching a milestone birthday this year has made me more introspective. I'm beginning to feel the acceleration of time with increasing intensity. I want to look back at 2012 and say, "This year had purpose!"

I hope that you will also find the coming year to be one of purpose and promise as you pursue Him.


  1. Anonymous2:53 pm GMT-7

    Great choice for a word for 2012 - mine is TRUST. It seems that I think I trust and then something happens and I get concerned.
    Reading Purpose Driven Life seems to be perfect to work on PURPOSE for this year.
    Blessings in all you do for the LORD,

  2. Sounds like a good idea, Tracy. I will have to choose a word, too, for the coming year.
    Pam Mytroen

  3. Life without purpose is life without meaning. . .
    Thanks for the reminder Tracy

  4. Good word, Tracy! I'm sure your purpose-focus will yield tangible results.

  5. Thanks for commenting. Here's to a purposeful 2012!


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