
October 12, 2009

Expectant Living -- Janet Sketchley

The Message describes Joseph of Arimathea as “one who lived expectantly, on the lookout for the kingdom of God.” (Mark 15:43, MSG)

What does it mean to live expectantly? Joseph wasn’t expecting his will, he was waiting and watching for the kingdom of God—for God’s rule to be restored.

He wasn’t mired down in daily life thinking that was all there was. Instead, he probably examined what went on, looking to see God working.

Father, help me not get so bogged down in the now that I lose the bigger picture of Your Kingdom. Help me live alert, give me eyes to see and a heart to understand. Help me live expecting You to be at work—because You are. Protect me from false expectations, and help me to expect only You.

© Janet Sketchley, 2009
For devotionals, reviews and conversation, stop by Janet Sketchley's blog, God with Us: Finding Joy.

1 comment:

  1. Joanna, I enjoyed your posting. That's a wonderful phrase, isn't it... "as one who lived expectantly."


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