
February 08, 2008

Road Trip -- Janet Sketchley

The week before Christmas, work sent me on a couple of road trips. I like to drive, listen to my worship CDs and watch the scenery. Getting paid to do it is a treat.

As soon as I got out of the city in the mornings, the roadside sights refreshed my spirit: glistening snow on the fields, crows stark against a pale blue sky, sun silvering icy branches.

Nearing the end of each journey, though, I found myself tired of the driver’s seat, eyes alternating between the road ahead and the speedometer, tuning out the music. How much farther?

I wasn’t reaching my destination any faster, just missing the things God gave to sweeten the trip. It took repeated, conscious thought to refocus on more than the task at hand.

The road trips behind me, I’m working to apply what I learned. Standing in line at the grocery store, driving my sons around, even cleaning the house… I’m making a conscious effort to notice and appreciate the refreshment God has sprinkled around me. I think that’s what “joy in the journey” is all about.

Odds are I won’t be any more productive, but I hope my spirit will be sweeter.

The LORD bless us as we continue in 2008, and may He open our eyes and hearts to the treasures He’s so lavishly strewn in our paths.

© Janet Sketchley, 2008
For devotionals, reviews and conversation, stop by Janet Sketchley's blog, God with Us: Finding Joy.


  1. That's a good thought. How often I miss so many of God's lavish gifts around me because I'm distracted. Thanks Joanna!

  2. Good stuff. May you experience many joys in your journey!


  3. Thanks Janet (Johanna) for the encouragement and the solace I find knowing that I am not alone in my humanity. How desperately we need to seek His face. Blessings, Glynis


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